
Site İçi Arama

1. Search Setup

  • For this template we don't have a specific search position but just simply publish a module to the right position.

2. Column Menu Setup

  • Publish any menu module to the main body module positions on your site.
  • There should be no menu style suffixes applied under advanced parameters.
  • The menu style should be set to list.

3. Bottom Menu Setup

  • Publish any menu to the 'bottom_menu' position.
  • There are no menu style suffixes applied under advanced parameters.
  • The menu style should be set to list


Türkiye'nin sektörel sigortacısı, sigortacisi.com, sigortakutuphanesi.com, aktueryabilimleri.com, engellilerinsigortacisi.com, alacaksigortacisi.com, nakliyatsigortacisi.com

Bize Ulaşın
RDS Sigorta A.Ş. Çankaya Mahallesi
Çankaya Cad, No:10/9
Çankaya ANKARA TÜRKİYE 0-312-446-4070